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Best fruit juice for glowing skin and long hairs | Best fruits and vegetables to juice

How to make Carrot and Orange Juice ? Carrot and Orange Juice is absolutely tasty and also very healthy. This combo juice is ideal for hair growth for your skin and also works great for detox. Benefits of Carrot, Orange and Ginger Carrots are known to contain beta-carotene and this is converted to vitamin A inside your body. Carrot helps to repair skin tissues, protects your skin from harmful radiation and also brightens your skin and makes you glow. It also helps to prevent wrinkles and it reduces oily skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles. Carrot is also great for hair as it helps to provide it with vital vitamins which makes it stronger thicker and shinier. Carrots are also known to help fight plaque and strengthen your enamel onto the oranges. Now oranges are very high in antioxidants and this helps to slow down the production of wrinkles and helps to fight premature aging. It also exfoliates the skin and helps to dry out acne and improve the overall look o

How to gain body Muscles ? Diet and Exercise plans for beginners

How to gain body Muscles ? Diet and Exercise plans for beginners

Muscles Building

I'll tell you about 6 such tips which will help you in muscle building. 
Evening workout
Keep Changing Workout Schedule
Calorie surplus
Not all supplements are necessary

Evening workout

The first tip is that evening work out is always better in case of muscle building.
Although, exercise is always beneficial whenever you do But if you are serious for muscle building then Early evening workout is better for you. Early evening means between 4 to 6 pm. This has many scientific reasons. The people who workout in evening are properly fuelled up because they get time for meals during the day
And when they do early evening exercise then the strength and energy levels are higher in comparison of morning people. which helps them in performing exercise in better way. And this is very important for muscle building.

Along with this, your flexibility and muscular fitness is at peak in the early evening time. And according to a research, your testosterone to cortisol ratio is highest during early evening. Means your testosterone level is higher and cortisol level is lower. They should also perform Early evening workout so that effectiveness of pre workout reduces till the night and they can sleep well which is very important for muscle building.

Keep Changing Workout Schedule

Keep changing your workout schedule because if you will follow the same workout schedule for a long time then your body will become use to it and you'll not be able to see results. That means you should do changes in your workout schedule in every 4-6 weeks. Like if you do 1 muscle 1 time in the week then it's good but sometimes you should try to do double body parts. Means when you'll hit every muscle group 2 times a week. If we talk about repetition range then many people in gym who follow 8-12 reputation range which is good but sometimes you should leave that and try 4-6 repetitions for 4-6 weeks because of which you'll be able to lift more weight, hypertrophy will be better and your muscle building will be very effective.

Along with this, many people do workout 6 day's a week and do rest 1 day.
Sometimes leave this schedule and for 4-6 weeks do 4-5 training sessions in a week and 2-3 rest days for recovery. And yes, whenever you perform workout, it should get completed within 1 hour 15 minutes that means talk less and focus on exercise. After all these changes analyze on your own that when did your body had maximum results ?

Calorie surplus

You should follow Calorie surplus. Now you might have understood that if you are actually serious about muscle building then you have to eat too much. Too much means you have to complete 6-8 meals in a day and in every meal, Portion should be more only then you can build muscles. We all know protein is the building block so we always focus on protein. it's important for you to eat adequate amount of carbohydrates as well Because carbohydrates work as fuel in your body.
Whenever you'll perform exercise, you'll need energy. And if you would have eaten adequate amount of carbohydrates then You can perform exercise well, can lift more weight, will not get tired which is again very important for muscle building.

Just remember that you cannot eat anything in the name of calories surplus like pizza, burger or sweet. Make sure eat good carbohydrates like oats, potato, rice, sweet potatoes and include good fat in your diet. So the composition of the total number of your calories intake should be 30-35 % from protein, 50-55% from Carbohydrates and 10-15 % from fats and yes If you want to do muscle building then make this habit of eating in every 2-2.5 hours. It's a bit weird, you'll feel full and uneasy but this is the only solution of muscle building. It doesn't have any alternative.


Doing exercise and consuming good diet is important but you actually breakdown your muscle in the gym. Muscle building starts outside the gym when you do recovery. For which it's important to take a deep sleep at night for 8 hours because of which you have a good testosterone level and GH production increases in your body because of which you get help in muscle growth. it is important to take massages. If there's no one who can do it then make sure to do it twice a week in your own with any oil. Because of which your facial skin will be loose and there will be a better blood flow in your body.

And the people who don't do stretching after the exercise, please do it because after that the lactic acid gets released and muscle recovers in a better way. So if you're serious about muscle building then you should focus on your recovery.


Cardio is very important. Many people suggest not to do cardio during muscle building but I think you should do it Just remember you should perform moderate pace cardio can do cycling or morning walk , that too for 20 minutes and 3-5 sessions a week. Because as you take care of biceps, legs as a muscle similarly heart is also a muscle which and it is equally important to take care of it. Because it works the most that means for blood flow in the whole body and supply oxygen. So that's why cardiac health is very important if you want to build muscle. Also cardio will bring discipline in your life. How?

When you'll make this habit of doing cardio for 20 minutes in the morning,
Then you'll get much time during the whole day in which you can plan your diet and workout. And discipline is very important for muscle building so don't ignore cardio.

Not all supplements are necessary

Many people eat supplements whole day for muscle building and consume all the supplements don't do this. First of all your whole day diet should be good after that if you are serious about building muscle then there are supplements which you should consume like whey protein, creatine and pre workout.
Whey protein is for recovery because it is a fast digestive protein so it recovers nicely post workout.

Creatine is the most researched supplement so you should consume 5 grams of it in a day. You'll see a nice growth in your muscle and pre workout because before workout it provides strength and you are able to perform workout nicely because of which you get help in muscle building.

So remember from next time that don't consume all the supplements and keep your natural diet good and use these supplements.



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