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Best fruit juice for glowing skin and long hairs | Best fruits and vegetables to juice

How to make Carrot and Orange Juice ? Carrot and Orange Juice is absolutely tasty and also very healthy. This combo juice is ideal for hair growth for your skin and also works great for detox. Benefits of Carrot, Orange and Ginger Carrots are known to contain beta-carotene and this is converted to vitamin A inside your body. Carrot helps to repair skin tissues, protects your skin from harmful radiation and also brightens your skin and makes you glow. It also helps to prevent wrinkles and it reduces oily skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles. Carrot is also great for hair as it helps to provide it with vital vitamins which makes it stronger thicker and shinier. Carrots are also known to help fight plaque and strengthen your enamel onto the oranges. Now oranges are very high in antioxidants and this helps to slow down the production of wrinkles and helps to fight premature aging. It also exfoliates the skin and helps to dry out acne and improve the overall look o

Best Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Best Foods that Lower Cholesterol
Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Some foods lower your cholesterol very fast.

  • Oates,
  • Barley and whole grains,
  • Beans,
  • Avocados,
  • Nuts,
  • Vegetable oils,
  • Apples, strawberries, grapes and citrus fruits,
  • Stanols and Sterols, 
  • Fatty fish

LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) particles that carry cholesterol from your liver to the other cells in your body however when the level of LDL in your blood is higher than the normal level it can build up and form fatty deposits that clog your arteries just as you can easily eat your way to extremely high cholesterol levels you can also lower your cholesterol by changing the foods you eat basically you need to eat more foods that lower your LDL levels and reduce your consumption of foods that can increase LDL.


1. Oates

According to a 2007 teen article eleven foods that lower cholesterol posted in Harvard Health publishing a bowl of oats can provide you with one to two grams of soluble fiber if you want to add an extra half gram you can also top your oatmeal with strawberries or a banana based on nutrition guidelines the ideal amount of fiber that a person should consume daily is 20 to 35 grams 5 to 10 grams of which should be soluble fiber barley and other whole grains like oats barley and other whole grains can help lower your risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases primarily because of their high level of soluble fiber according to the same 2017 article from the Harvard Health publishing beans aside from being jam packed with soluble fiber it also takes longer for the body to digest beans leading to a prolonged feeling of satiation because of this it is also a preferred option for those who are trying to shed some extra pounds.


2. Avocados

According to Mayo Clinic avocado is a great source of mono saturated fatty acids that can help keep your heart healthy because it can regulate your LDL levels.


3. Nuts

According to Mayo Clinic almonds walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, pistachio nuts and other nuts that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids can improve your cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health Harvard Health publishing stated that consuming two ounces of nuts per day can lower your LDL levels on the order of 5% however it is important to ensure that the nuts you eat are not salted or sugar-coated.


4. Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils instead of using butter or lard when cooking use liquid vegetable oils such as sunflower canola and safflower to lower your cholesterol according to Harvard Health Mayo Clinic also stated that olive oil is an effective source of monounsaturated fatty acids and using two tablespoons as a replacement for other fats in your food can have cardiovascular health benefits  


5. Apples, Strawberries Grapes and citrus fruits

According to Harvard Health the mentioned fruits are loaded with pectus a type of soluble fiber that can regulate your LDL levels. Consuming soybeans and other soy based foods is a great way to lower your cholesterol levels according to Harvard eating 25 grams of this type of food every day can decrease your LDL level by 5 to 6 percent.


6. Stanols and Sterols

Foods fortified with stanols and sterols stanols and sterols from plants buffer the body's ability to absorb cholesterol these two substances are added to food products such as chocolate granola bars and orange juice to make them a healthier option according to Harvard Health two grams of plant stanols and sterols can deplete LDL levels by around 10 percent.


7. Fatty Fish

The recent article on Harvard Health publishing stated that replacing meat with fish two to three times per week can regulate cholesterol because of the omega-3 fatty acids that lower the triglycerides in the blood and keep the heart healthy high cholesterol bubbles can be detrimental to your health so it is highly recommended to keep an eye on it just like in investing when you need to diversify your portfolio it is essential to add several foods into your diet instead of just focusing on one or two of these food items.


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Best fruit juice for glowing skin and long hairs | Best fruits and vegetables to juice

How to make Carrot and Orange Juice ? Carrot and Orange Juice is absolutely tasty and also very healthy. This combo juice is ideal for hair growth for your skin and also works great for detox. Benefits of Carrot, Orange and Ginger Carrots are known to contain beta-carotene and this is converted to vitamin A inside your body. Carrot helps to repair skin tissues, protects your skin from harmful radiation and also brightens your skin and makes you glow. It also helps to prevent wrinkles and it reduces oily skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles. Carrot is also great for hair as it helps to provide it with vital vitamins which makes it stronger thicker and shinier. Carrots are also known to help fight plaque and strengthen your enamel onto the oranges. Now oranges are very high in antioxidants and this helps to slow down the production of wrinkles and helps to fight premature aging. It also exfoliates the skin and helps to dry out acne and improve the overall look o