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Best fruit juice for glowing skin and long hairs | Best fruits and vegetables to juice

How to make Carrot and Orange Juice ? Carrot and Orange Juice is absolutely tasty and also very healthy. This combo juice is ideal for hair growth for your skin and also works great for detox. Benefits of Carrot, Orange and Ginger Carrots are known to contain beta-carotene and this is converted to vitamin A inside your body. Carrot helps to repair skin tissues, protects your skin from harmful radiation and also brightens your skin and makes you glow. It also helps to prevent wrinkles and it reduces oily skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles. Carrot is also great for hair as it helps to provide it with vital vitamins which makes it stronger thicker and shinier. Carrots are also known to help fight plaque and strengthen your enamel onto the oranges. Now oranges are very high in antioxidants and this helps to slow down the production of wrinkles and helps to fight premature aging. It also exfoliates the skin and helps to dry out acne and improve the overall look o

Benefits of Walking 10000 steps a day

Benefits of walking 10000 steps a day
Benefits of walking 

Few interesting things that happen to your body if you walk every   day. The great Greek physician Hippocrates once said “walking is a   man's best medicine” well he hit the nail right on the head with that   one walking is totally free easy requires a little effort and benefits   not only your physical but also your mental well-being.

Brain boosting effects a study at the university of Kansas has   revealed how low impact aerobic exercises like walking prevent the   early onset of dementia and reduce the risk of developing  Alzheimer's disease. Over 35 million people around the world   suffer  from Alzheimer's.

People who are physically active throughout their life are much less   prone to this disease than those who have a more sedentary lifestyle   and that's because they have more volume in their hippocampus the   part of the brain responsible for verbal memory and learning plus   walking improves your overall mental well-being by reducing   stress  and releasing endorphins.


It stimulates not only the production of chemicals responsible for brain health but also the growth and survival of neural blood vessels and cells.

Improved eyesight surprising right moving your legs helps your eyes how in the heck do they have anything to do with each other well first off walking can help fight glaucoma by relieving eye pressure you see Lahoma develops when too much fluid builds up in the eye increasing the pressure inside that pressure in turn affects the optic nerve which results in visual impairment the glaucoma. 

Research Foundation recommends walking as one of the best ways to reduce the risk of developing glaucoma and even relieve its symptoms. High intensity exercise strengthens and stimulates the visual cortex that part of the brain that processes the images our eyes send to it so get on the road to improve vision and protect your eyes now from potential problems in the future. 

Revention of heart disease you're probably well aware of the fact that running makes your hearts stronger but according to the American Heart Association walking is no less effective than running when it comes to the prevention of heart disease and stroke a daily half-hour walk helps avoid serious problems like coronary heart disease to name one by lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. 

Increased lung volume walking is an aerobic exercise which means that it increases oxygen flow in the bloodstream and helps eliminate toxins and wastes in short it's great for your lungs because of better quality and deeper breathing some symptoms associated with lung disease can show significant improvement the stress and medication that lung disease rings with it weaken the immune system of those suffering from it we all know that spending time outdoors is a great immunity booster so why wouldn't you start walking every day 

Benefits for the pancreas believe it or not walking for exercise is a surprisingly more effective way to prevent diabetes than running is in a Duke University study over a six-month trial period a group of frequent walkers demonstrated a 6 times greater improvement in glucose tolerance or blood sugar absorption than a group of runners more efficient use of blood sugar allows your pancreas to produce less insulin giving it a much-needed rest to gather strength 

Proved digestion just half an hour of walking every day not only lowers the risk of developing colon cancer but also improves digestion and regulates bowel movements good news for those who suffer from chronic constipation what's even better walking helps the chances of surviving colon cancer even after it's already been diagnosed this incredible fact was discovered in a study of over 150 thousand men and women where activity levels were compared with the number of those who got colon cancer and died of it four toned muscles muscle tone and weight loss is also totally achievable through simple walking.

Reduce pain stiffness and inflammation in the joint  building strong bones will help you prevent osteoporosis and reduce bone loss to back pain relief yet another ailment walking can cure is back pain this is a real lifesaver for those who experience back pain during more challenging high-impact exercises since it's a low-impact activity it won't cause more pain or discomfort like running. 

Journal of psychiatric research published the results of a study on 50 individuals suffering from major depression it showed that walking 30 to 45 minutes a day five days a week improve their conditions significantly if walking improves depression symptoms in patients 

you can't go for a walk every single day do it three to five times a week if you can only handle a five-minute walk start with that but do it regularly and gradually add extra minutes to it just make it your routine that's what really matters intensity.

Two to three miles an hour is a good average intensity if that's too much for you set your own optimal pace a good rule to remember is that you should be able to talk while walking if you start running out of breath and your heart beats like crazy you're going too fast time 30 minutes a day and there must be a smart watch with you and should be your goal you can also count steps to motivate yourself to keep going a good amount to aim for is 10000 steps a day again if that's too much you can get there gradually and start with what you can manage right now.

If you still don't feel motivated enough to start walking for your health try joining a class or find a buddy who also wouldn't mind getting the benefits of walking.


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