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Best fruit juice for glowing skin and long hairs | Best fruits and vegetables to juice

How to make Carrot and Orange Juice ? Carrot and Orange Juice is absolutely tasty and also very healthy. This combo juice is ideal for hair growth for your skin and also works great for detox. Benefits of Carrot, Orange and Ginger Carrots are known to contain beta-carotene and this is converted to vitamin A inside your body. Carrot helps to repair skin tissues, protects your skin from harmful radiation and also brightens your skin and makes you glow. It also helps to prevent wrinkles and it reduces oily skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles. Carrot is also great for hair as it helps to provide it with vital vitamins which makes it stronger thicker and shinier. Carrots are also known to help fight plaque and strengthen your enamel onto the oranges. Now oranges are very high in antioxidants and this helps to slow down the production of wrinkles and helps to fight premature aging. It also exfoliates the skin and helps to dry out acne and improve the overall look o

Healthy breakfast ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the  day. What you eat in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Starting off the day with a nutrient rich  breakfast allows you to power through and   make better decisions. Skipping it  and depriving your body of essential nutrients will leave you feeling lethargic, mess  up blood sugar levels and even create brain fog.  

A nutrient dense breakfast increases  concentration, lowers the chances of  developing diabetes, manages cholesterol and keeps  you chipper. Egg Starting  off with one of the most popular and  nutritional foods, eggs have been a  popular breakfast choice since anyone can  remember. Is it worth the hype? Definitely.

Both the yolk and white parts are amazing sources  of protein and heart friendly unsaturated fats. What’s a better way of starting the day than  getting the right dose of your essential  minerals and vitamins? Extremely versatile, eggs  can be cooked in a variety of different ways.  

No matter how you make it, they are immensely  filling and will keep you full till lunch time. This cuts out the unhealthy snacking in between  meals that causes weight gain. Nutritious,  filling, tasty and easily available, they  can also be paired up with sweet potatoes or ground turkey for a wholesome breakfast.

Yogurt is a great starter for the day.  

When you think about it, the overwhelming amount  of good bacteria is something that first comes to mind. But there’s more benefits than that.  Adding yogurt to your breakfast is a good idea, especially for anyone looking  to lose a couple of pounds.

The nutritional content will keep you energized  throughout the day while maintaining digestive  health. Rich in calcium and packed with  probiotics, you can even add your favorite fruit for a hint of nutritious sweetness. If  a morning workout is your routine then it can become your best friend! Diluting some yogurt in  water and mixing it all up with a pinch of rock  salt to make buttermilk is a great post workout  drink that will soothe and heal your muscles.

Oatmeal is the safest and  most nutritious way to go. It has got to be one of the top foods for healthy breakfast. A comforting  bowl of oatmeal is a powerhouse of nutrients. This rather simple meal, that can be whipped up  in just a couple of minutes, contains insoluble fiber that lowers cholesterol and stabilizes  blood sugar which makes you feel fuller.  

Antioxidants are another important element  along with certain natural heart-protecting anti inflammatory properties. The combination of cooked  oats, with organic nut butter and fresh fruits, minus the artificial sweeteners, will keep  you away from that vending machine for sure.

Nut Butter What can’t butter do?  

Nut butter is delicious, creamy and  nutritious made from nuts like almonds, peanuts or walnuts. Filled with the goodness  of heart healthy saturated fats and protein, tree nuts in general have been linked with weight  loss and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.Nut butter is a great way to include protein  in your healthy breakfast, especially if you’re vegetarian  or vegan. 

Do you know that the compounds found in avocados  protect the body the same way as olive oil does?

Considered to be one of the finest foods  for weight loss, starting a new day with  this amazing fruit paired with an egg is  healthy breakfast idea for champions.  

Needless to say, it will increase satiety and  decrease your want for snacking in between meals. The unique unsaturated fats found naturally cannot  be produced in the body. These good fats can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease  and even cancer related to unhealthy lifestyles.

Bananas are the unopposed superstar of potassium. However, their  goodness is not limited to just that. Packed with filling fiber and other valuable nutrients,  tossing some diced bananas in your fruit bowl, smoothie will lift up your mood, giving  you an energised start to the day.

Spinach Greens are  always a great choice for healthy breakfast. This leafy  green, the crux for any healthy green juice, consists of a good amount of folate and muscle  building fiber. Spinach can decrease the chances of developing osteoporosis or heart disease.

Simply adding a handful of this superfood, which  is healthier than kale, will make a whole world of difference on how you approach your day.  Along with protecting muscle from degeneration, eating this healthy green every morning  will also increase blood flow in the body.  

Sick of just eating eggs and toast for  breakfast? To make your breakfast more nutrient dense you can add just 1 cup of spinach  into your omelets, egg sandwiches and juices!

Looking for healthy food ideas? Check out some  of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Now back to making your breakfast  more nutritious and delicious.

Berries win the title for being one of the  healthiest breakfast foods on the planet. Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and others are  not only rich in heart friendly antioxidants, but adding them to your breakfast  also gives you a boost of energy.

These colorful nutritious fruits contain large  amounts of powerful vitamins which amp up your breakfast tenfold. If losing weight is your  goal then an assortment of berries is what  you need to start your day with. Did you know  that they stop fat from forming in the body?  

Along with weight loss, adding just 1  cup of different berries in your oatmeal, cereal or shakes will protect the cells and  give your blood circulation a major boost!

Sweet potato Ever thought about starting your day by eating these flavor and nutrition packed vibrant tubers?  If not then, maybe you should start? Packed with compounds that burn fat, sweet potatoes are  the perfect way of starting the day. Being low on the glycemic index they manage to offer a  certain level of fullness - at least till lunch.

If you’re bored of eating cereal or eggs and bacon  every morning then sweet potatoes are something that will offer nutrients while adding a fresh  new option. Swapping your usual morning bagel, muffin or pastry with this low carb veggie  will give you what you need to face the day. You can also pair sweet potato hash with  eggs and vegetables for a complete breakfast.  

Black tea Normally underrated, black tea is a crucial part of a complete diet.  Do you love your morning cuppa joe? Try making  the switch to black tea, it will wake you  right up! Getting your caffeine fix from  black tea will not just fight lethargy  but will also increase mental alertness.

Robust and strong in flavor, it may take some  time for you to get used to it but once you do, it’s a great beverage that will  keep you focussed through the day.  

Just boil some water and add tea leaves.  Let it sit there for a couple of minutes before running it through a strainer  to give you a rejuvenating cup of tea.

Wild Salmon for healthy breakfast?  

As odd as it sounds, this fatty fish when paired  with some scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast creates a delicious, filling  and a rather unique meal. Salmon is already considered as a superfood for  the brain because of the high omega 3 fatty acids. If you’re looking to switch up the breakfast  game then adding it, at least twice in a week, will do the trick. Being a nutrition  powerhouse and packing clean protein, starting your day with wild salmon will  help you meet everyday nutritional needs even if you eat not-so-healthy  foods for the rest of the day.

It goes without saying that breakfast  should be healthy and not skipped. Having the right choice of food for the  first meal of the day will help you fill up on healthy nutrients and give your  immune system a boost.


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